
The news helicopter hovered with its camera trained on the wreckage below. On the street walked three isolated figures, a dad, a mom and child. They had backpacks. They trudged away from the devastation to who knows where. Like their neighbors, they likely entered their storm shelter in Moore, Oklahoma around 2:30 in the afternoon, Monday, May 20. When they emerged at 4 pm, everything was destroyed. Homes, cars, schools and many lives were lost. If that were you, where would you go? What would you do?

Join me in an effort to raise $10,000 for the American Red Cross as they help the thousands of families with new beginnings in very difficult circumstances. The Axiom Tornado Relief Fund connects you directly to the American Red Cross website so you can make a donation. As you consider what to give, imagine walking down that street in the dark, not knowing where you will sleep, what you will do, and give generously.

The images of the devastation in Moore also brought to mind, “I wonder if they know their homeowner’s insurance policy number?” Their paperwork could be three counties away. Ask us this summer how to get your important documents in your Axiom Plan Central Vault. We hope you never lose your home to a disaster, but you never know. Ask the victims of Sandy and the people of Moore.

It is sobering to see how fragile our lives can be in the face of sudden and powerful forces. Take a deep breath. Hug someone you care for. Open up your hearts to help someone in need.

Visit the Axiom Tornado Relief Fund.

Submitted by David M. Wheat, CFS, ChFC